2011.09--2015.12 (德国)亚琛工业大学 通信工程专业 博士
2008.09--2011.07 中国科学技术大学 信息与通信系统专业 硕士
2003.09--2007.07 哈尔滨工业大学 通信工程专业 学士
2021.12--至今 PG电子 信息与通信工程系主任
2020.10--至今 PG电子 教授,硕导/博导
2017.05--2017.07 (美国)雪城大学无线通信与网络实验室 访问学者
2017.01--2020.09 (德国)亚琛工业大学ISEK实验室 高级研究员
2016.01--2016.12 (德国)亚琛工业大学TI研究所 博士后
国家高层次青年人才项目,?主持, 2022.01-2024.12.
国自然面上项目,?主持, 2025.01-2028.12.
国自然国际(地区)合作与交流项目,?主持, 2024.06-2026.05.
湖北省“揭榜制”重点科技项目,揭榜方负责人, 2021.05-2024.05.
[J81] B. Li, Y. Hu*, Z. Dong, P. Erdal, H. Jiang, Q. Wu, "Joint Resource Allocation in Multi-RIS and Massive MIMO Aided Cell-Free IoT Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal. accepted. (IF:8.2)
[J80] C. Shi (大三), Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu*, A. Schmeink,"Security-Aware Energy Efficient Design for Mobile Edge Computing Network Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, no. 67, Sep. 2024. (IF: 2.4)
[J79] N. Guo,X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, B. Ai, A. Schmeink, "Achievable Rate Maximization for Multi-Antenna WPT Enabled Symbiotic Communication Network",IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, accepted. (IF: 7.4)
[J78] P. Wu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Trajectory and User Assignment Design for UAV Communication Network with No-Fly Zone", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted. (IF: 6.1)
[J77] Y. Zhu, W. Tong, Y. Hu*, B. Han, R. Schaefer, A. Schmeink, "Join Redundancy and Blocklength Allocation for Secure-Reliability Performance Optimization in Future V2X Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted. (IF: 6.1)
[J76] H. J. Hadi, Y. Cao, S. Li, Y. Hu, J. Wang, S. Wang,"Real-Time Collaborative Intrusion Detection System in UAV Networks Using Deep Learning", IEEE Internet of Things Journal. accepted. (IF:8.2)
[J75] X. Yuan, B. Li, Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu, A. Schmeink, "Towards Scalable Clustered URLLC IoT Network: Resource Allocation and Cooperation Scheduling for Reliability Enhancement", IEEE Internet of Things Journal. vol. 11, no. 15, pp. 25982-259996, Aug. 2024. (IF: 8.2)
[J74] H. J. Hadi, Y. Cao, S. Li, L. Xu, Y. Hu and M. Li, "Real-Time Fusion Multi-Tier DNN-Based Collaborative IDPS with Complementary Features for Secure UAV-Enabled 6G Networks",Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications, accepted (IF:7.5)
[J73] 胡钰林, 肖志成,徐浩,"有限码长域下面向多用户大规模MIMO系统速率优化的高效功率分配算法",电子与信息学报, accepted(中文EI)
[J72] J. Wang, Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu*, T. Wang and A. Schmeink,"Reliability-Optimal Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in Low-Latency Industrial IoT Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.(IF: 8.9)
[J71] 高云飞, 胡钰林, 刘鸣柳, 黄雨茜, 孙鹏,"多无人机输电线路巡检联合轨迹设计方法",电子与信息学报, 2024, doi: 10.11999/JEIT231199(中文EI)
[J70] Y. Li, X. Zhang, X. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Hu*, J. Yang*, and A. Schmeink,"Cooperative Elliptic Positioning Through Single UAV During GNSS Outages", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted.(IF: 8.9)
[J69] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Optimal Joint Design on Continuous Trajectory and Power Control for UAV-Assisted Energy Constrained Communications", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted. (IF: 6.1)
[J68] D. Wang, Y. Cao, K. Lam, Y. Hu, O. Kaiwartya, "Authentication and Key Agreement Based on Three Factors and PUF for UAVs-assisted Post-disaster Emergency Communication", IEEE Internet of Things Journal. accepted. (IF: 8.2)
[J67] Y. Gao, X. Yuan, D. Yang, Y. Hu*, Y. Cao, A. Schmeink, "UAV-Assisted MEC System with Mobile Ground Terminals: DRL-Based Joint Terminal Scheduling and UAV 3D Trajectory Design", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.73, no.7, pp 10164-10180, July 2024 (IF: 6.1)
[J66] P. Wu,X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Joint Power Allocation and Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Covert Communication", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.23, no.1, pp. 683 - 698 Jan. 2024.(IF:8.9)
[J65] B. Li, Y. Hu*, Z. Dong, E. Panayirci, H. Jiang and Q. Wu, "Energy-Efficient Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Cell-Free Ultra Dense HetNets", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.73, no.3, pp 3767-3785, March 2024. (IF: 6.1)
[J64] P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, Z. Zhang, and A. Schmeink, "Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Networks with Unreliable Communication", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.23, no.4, pp 3823-3838, April 2024. (IF: 8.9)
[J63] X. Yuan, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, B. Ai, and A. Schmeink, "Optimal User Grouping and Analytical Joint Resource Allocation Design in Hybrid BC-TDMA Assisted URLLC Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4459-4474, May 2024. (IF: 8.9)
[J62] Y. Yang, Y. Hu, M. C. Gursoy,"Energy Efficiency of RIS-Assisted NOMA-Based MEC Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted. (IF: 8.3)
[J61] Y. Hou, Y. Cao, H. Xiong, Y. Hu, M. H. Eiza,"Heterogeneous Signcryption Scheme with Group Equality Test for Satellite-enabled IoVs", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted.
[J60] Y. Li, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, J. Yang*, A. Schmeink,"Optimal UAV Trajectory Design for Moving Users in Integrated Sensing and Communications Networks", IEEE Transactions on ntelligent Transportation Systems,vol.24 no.12 Dec.2023. (IF:8.5)
[J59] N. Guo,X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Reliability-Oriented Resource Allocation for Wireless Powered Short Packet Communications with Multiple WPT Sources", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 8983-8998, Dec. 2023.(IF:10.4)
[J58] Z. Wang, P. Sun, Y. Hu, A. Boukerche, "A Novel Hybrid Method for Achieving Accurate and Timeliness Vehicular Traffic Flow Prediction in Road Networks", Computer Communications, vol. 209, pp. 378-386,Sep. 2023, (IF: 6)
[J57] Z. Bao, Y. Hu*, P. Sun, A. Boukerche, A. Schmeink, "Average Age Upon Decisions with Truncated HARQ and Optimization in the Finite Blocklength Regime", Computer Communications, vol. 209, pp. 287-401,Sep. 2023 (IF: 6)
[J56]Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, R. Schaefer, A. Schmeink, "Trade Reliability for Security: Leakage-Failure Probability Minimization for Machine-Type Communications in URLLC", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no.7, pp. 2123-2137,July 2023. (IF:16.4)
[J55] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, J. Zhang, A. Schmeink, "Joint User Scheduling and UAV Trajectory Design on Completion Time Minimization for UAV-Aided Data Collection", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 3884-3898, June 2023.(IF:10.4)
[J54] X. Wang (大三), P. Wu, Y. Hu*, X. Cai*, Q. Song, H. Chen, "Joint Trajectories and Resource Allocation Design for Multi-UAVs Assisted Wireless Power Transfer with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting", Drones, vol.7, no.354, pp.1-17, May 2023 (IF: 4.8)
[J53] Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, T. Wang*, A. Schmeink, "Low-Latency Hybrid NOMA-TDMA: QoS-Driven Design Framework", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 3006-3021, May 2023.(IF:10.4)
[J52] N. Guo,X. Yuan*, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Fairness-Aware Resource Allocation in Multi-Source WPCN in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Access, vol.11, April. 2023.
[J51] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, X. Yuan, C. M. Gursoy, V. Poor, A. Schmeink, "Joint Convexity of Error Probability in Blocklength and Transmit Power in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2409-2423, April 2023.(IF:10.4)
[J50] G. Zhang, M. Ni, Y. Hu*, Y. Yang, "Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes with Girth at Least Eight Based on Disjoint Difference Sets", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 55-59, Jan. 2023. (IF: 4.1)
[J49] Z. Liu (大四),Y. Zhu, Y. Hu, P. Sun, A. Schmeink, "Reliability-Oriented Design Framework in NOMA-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE Access, vol.10, pp. 103598-103609, Sep. 2022.
[J48] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, R. Schober, A. Schmeink, "Convexity Analysis of Nonlinear Wireless Power Transfer with Multiple RF Sources", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 11311-11316, Oct. 2022. (IF:6.239)
[J47] H. Jiang, H. Wang, Y. Hu, J. Wu, "Dynamic User Association in Scalable Ultra-Dense LEO Satellite Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 7. no. 8, pp. 8891-8905, Aug.2022,. (IF:6.239)
[J46] X. Yuan, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu?, H. Jiang, C. Shen, A. Schmeink, "Latency-Critical Downlink Multiple Access: A Hybrid Approach and Reliability Maximization", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9261-9275, Nov. 2022.(IF:8.346)
[J45] Y. Lin, C. Shen, Y. Hu, B. Ai, Z. Zhong, "Joint Design of Channel Training and Data Transmission for MISO-URLLC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.21, no. 10, pp. 8646-8659, Oct. 2022.(IF:8.346)
[J44] D. Ye, H. Jiang, Y. Jiang, Q. Wang, Y. Hu, "Community Preserving Mapping for Network Hyperbolic Embedding", Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 246, no. 108699, pp.1-15, June 2022. (IF:8.139)
[J43] X.Yuan, H. Jiang, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink,"Joint Analog Beamforming and Trajectory Planning for Energy-Efficient UAV-Enabled Nonlinear Wireless Power Transfer", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2914-2929, Oct. 2022. . (IF:13.081)
[J42] 胡钰林*,吴鹏,原晓鹏,李博,江昊,罗威,"海上无人集群联合轨迹设计方法",电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(3): 890-898(中文EI)
[J41] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, J. Gross, A. Schmeink,"Energy Minimization of Mobile Edge Computing Networks with HARQ in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 9, pp.7105-7120, Sep. 2022. (IF:8.346)
[J40] 胡钰林*,文玄,原晓鹏,江昊,张健,程莉莉,"面向无线能量传输的三维无人机轨迹设计",电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(3): 852-859(中文EI)
[J39] X. Yuan, H. Jiang, Y. Hu*, B. Li, E. Jorswieck, A. Schmeink,"Joint Power and Data Allocation in Multi-Carrier Full-Duplex Relaying Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.21, no.3, pp1513-1528, Mar. 2022. (IF:8.346)
[J38] X. Hao, T. Yang, Y. Hu, H. Feng, B. Hu, "An adaptive matching bridged resource allocation over correlated energy efficiency and AoI in CR-IoT system,"IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol.6, no. 1, pp. 583-599, Mar. 2022. (IF:3.525)
[J37] B. Han, Y. Zhu, M. Sun, V. Sciancalepore, Y. Hu, and Hans D. Schotten,"CLARQ: A Dynamic ARQ Solution forUltra-high Closed-loop Reliability," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no.1, pp 280-294, Jan. 2022. (IF:8.346)
[J36] H. Jiang*, L. Li, H. Xian, Y. Hu*, H. Huang, J. Wang,"Crowd Flow Prediction for Social Internet of Thing Systems Based on the Mobile Network Big Data," IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol.9, no.1, pp.267-278, Feb. 2022.
[J35] Q. He, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Multi-Device Low-Latency IoT Networks with Blind Retransmissions in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70, no.12, pp.12782 - 12795, Dec.2021. (IF:6.239)
[J34] X. Yuan, Y. Hu* and A. Schmeink, ”Joint Design of UAV Trajectory and Directional Antenna Orientation in UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 3081-3096, Oct. 2021 (IF:13.081)
[J33] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, D. Li and A. Schmeink, "Novel Optimal Trajectory Design in UAV-Assisted Networks: A Mechanical Equivalence-Based Strategy,"IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.39, no 11, pp. 3524-3541, Nov. 2021 (IF:13.081)
[J32] Y. Li, R. Wang, Y. Hu, Y. Lei and X. Cai,"Defensive Compressive Time Delay Estimation using Information Bottleneck," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.28, pp. 1968-1972, Aug. 2021.
[J31] G. Zhang, Y. Hu*, Y. Fang, D. Ren, "Relation Between GCD Constraint and Full-Length Row-Multiplier QC-LDPC Codes with Girth Eight" IEEE Communication Letter, vol.25, no.9, pp.2820-2823, Sept. 2021
[J30] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, T. Yang, T. Yang, J. Vogt and A. Schmeink, "Reliability-Optimal Offloading in Low-Latency Edge Computing Networks: Analytical and Reinforcement Learning Based Designs," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 6058-6072, June 2021. (IF:6.239)
[J29] J. Wang, B. Li, G. Wang, Y. Hu and A. Schmeink, "Robust Design for UAV-Enabled Multiuser Relaying System With SWIPT," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1293-1305, Sept. 2021
[J28] Y. Hu, X. Yuan, G. Zhang, A. Schmeink, "Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks with UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol 70, no.8, pp. 8050-8064, Aug. 2021. (IF:6.239)
[J27] X. Hao, R. Zhao, T. Yang, Y. Hu, B. Hu, Y, Qiu, "A Risk-Sensitive Task Offloading Strategy for Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things",EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol.39, 2021, pp. 1-18.
[J26] J. Wang, G. Wang, B. Li, H. Yang, Y. Hu, and A. Schmeink, "Massive MIMO Two-Way Relaying Systems with SWIPT in IoT Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 20, Oct. 2021.
[J25] Y. Yuan, T. Yang, Y. Hu, H. Feng and B. Hu, "Two-Timescale Resource Allocation for Cooperative D2D Communication: A Matching Game Approach", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70, no.1, pp.543-557, Jan. 2021. (IF:6.239)
[J24] X. Yuan, T. Yang, Y. Hu*, J. Xu, and A. Schmeink, "Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Multiuser Wireless Power Transfer with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting",IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.1105-1121, Feb.2021. (IF:8.346)
[J23] G. Zhang, Y. Hu*, D. Ren, Y. Liu and Y. Yang, "Type-II QC-LDPC Codes From Multiplicative Subgroup of Prime Field," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 142459-142467, 2020
[J22] A. Zamani, R. Kaemmer, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Augmented Ultra-Dense Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2020, no.192, pp.1-17, Oct. 2020. (SJR Ranking: Q2)
[J21] G. Li, D. Mishra, Y. Hu, Y. Huang and H. Jiang, "Adaptive Relay Selection Strategies for Cooperative NOMA Networks with User and Relay Cooperation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 11728-11742, Oct. 2020. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J20] Y. Hu*, X. Yuan, T. Yang, B. Clerckx, A Schmeink, "On the Convex Properties of Wireless Power Transfer with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 5672-5676, May 2020 (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J19] Y. Hu*, G. Sun, G. Zhang, M. Cenk Gursoy, A. Schmeink, "Optimal Resource Allocation in Ground Wireless Networks Supporting Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Transmissions," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 8972-8984, Aug. 2020 (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J18] Y. Hu*, Y. Li, M. C. Gursoy, S. Velipasalar, A. Schmeink, "Throughput Analysis of Low-Latency IoT Systems With QoS Constraints and Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 3093-3104, March 2020 (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J17] G. Li, D. Mishra, Y. Hu, and S. Atapattu, "Optimal Designs for Relay-Assisted NOMA Networks With Hybrid SWIPT Scheme," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 3588-3601, June 2020 (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J16] Y. Hu*, X. Yuan, J. Xu and A. Schmeink, "Optimal 1D Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Multiuser Wireless Power Transfer," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5674-5688, Aug. 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J15] Y. Hu*, C. Schnelling, M. C. Gursoy and A. Schmeink, "Multi-Relay-Assisted Low-Latency High-Reliability Communications With Best Single Relay Selection," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 7630-7642, Aug. 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J14] Q. He, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Closed-form Symbol Error Rate Expressions for Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 6775-6789, July 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J13] Q. He, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "A Seysen's algorithm based incremental Lattice reduction", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 30, no. 7, July 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q2)
[J12] G. Zhang, Y. Hu, Y. Fang, J. Wang, "Constructions of type-II QC-LDPC codes with girth eight from Sidon sequences'', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3865-3878, June 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J11] Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu, M. C. Gursoy, A. Schmeink, "SWIPT-Enabled Relaying in IoT Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1-16, Feb. 2019. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J10] Q. He, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Resource Allocation for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications in Sparse Code Multiple Access Networks," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol.282, no.1, pp.1-9, Dec. 2018. (SJR Ranking: Q2)
[J9] Y. Hu*, M. Ozmen, M. C. Gursoy, A. Schmeink, "Optimal Power Allocation for QoS-Constrained Downlink Multi-User Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.17, no.9, pp. 5827-5840, July 2018. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J8] Y. Hu*, M. C. Gursoy and A. Schmeink, "Relaying-Enabled Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications in 5G", IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 62-68, March-April 2018. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J7] Y. Hu*, M. Serror, K. Wehrle and J. Gross, "Finite Blocklength Performance of Cooperative Multi-Terminal Wireless Industrial Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5778-5792, July. 2018. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J6] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and A. Schmeink, "Optimal Scheduling of Reliability-Constrained Relaying System under Outdated CSI in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 6146-6155, July. 2018. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J5] Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink and J. Gross, "Blocklength-limited performance of relaying under quasi-static Rayleigh channels", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 4548 - 4558, July. 2016. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J4] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and A. Schmeink, "On the Capacity of Relaying with Finite Blocklength", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1790-1794, Mar. 2016. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J3] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and A. Schmeink, "QoS-Constrained energy efficiency of cooperative ARQ in multiple DF relay systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.65, no.2, pp.848-859, Feb. 2016. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J2] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and A. Schmeink, "On the Performance Advantage of Relaying under the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Communications Letters, vol.19, no.5, pp.779-782, May 2015. (SJR Ranking: Q1)
[J1] 胡钰林,邱玲, "分布式天线系统中的天线位置优化", 中科学技术大学学报, 2009, vol. 10, pp.1091-1096.
会议论文 (*:作为通迅作者)
[C99]G. Zhang, Y. Hu, D. Ren, Y. Fang, "Explicit Constructions of Girth-Eight QC-LDPC Codes: A Unified Framework Motivated by TDGS", 2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Nov. 24-28, Shenzhen, China.
[C98]Y. Shen, Z. Wang, P. Sun, Y. Hu, A. Boukerche," 'Less Knowledge is Less' - An Empirical Study of Intelligent Traffic Signal Network Efficiency Under Partial Information", IEEE Globecom 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 8-12 2024.
[C97] B. Li, X. Yuan, Y. Hu, B. Ai, and A. Schmeink,"Minimizing Transmission Latency in Two-Hop Full-Duplex Relaying with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE Globecom 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 8-12 2024.
[C96] Y. Huang, Y. Hu*, X. Yuan, M. Liu, and A. Schmeink,"Analytical Optimal Joint Resource Allocation and Continuous Trajectory Design for UAV-Assisted Covert Communications", IEEE Globecom 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 8-12 2024.
[C95] H. Ji, P. Sun, Y. Hu, A. Boukerche,"Collaborative Object Detection and Localization for Supporting Autonomous Driving", IEEE Globecom 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 8-12 2024.
[C94] X. Yuan, Y. Zhou, Y. Hu*, and A. Schmeink,"Optimal Blocklength Allocation in QoS-Constrained URLLC Networks with Personalised Latency Requirements", IEEE SPAWC 2024, Lucca, Italy, Sep.10-13, 2024.
[C93] B. Li, Y. Hu*, Z. Dong, E. Panayirci, H. Jiang, Q. Wu,"Energy-Efficient Secure Communication for IOS Aided CFMMIMO Network", IEEE ICCC 2024, Hangzhou, China, August, 2024. .
[C92]Y. Zhao, W. Gao, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, J. Gross,"Energy Efficiency Maximization for Multi-Node IoT Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE ISWCS 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, .
[C91]X. Wang, P. Wu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, Y. Zhang, "Joint Trajectory and User Scheduling Design for UAV-Assisted Secure Communication", IEEE ISWCS 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, .
[C90]Z. Liu, Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu, A. Schmeink, "Dual-Task-Oriented Resource Allocation for Integrated Sensing and Communication", IEEE ISWCS 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[C89] P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Over-the-Air Federated Learning Client Selection in Integrated Sensing, Computing and Communication", IEEE ICC WS, 9 - 13 June 2024, Denver, CO, USA
[C88] N. Guo, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, B. Ai and A. Schmeink, "Multi-Source WPT Enabled IoNT: Joint Resource Allocation for Fairness-Aware Reliability Maximization in the FBL Regime" IEEE WCNC WS, 21–24 April 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[C87] Z. Bao, W. Gao, X. Yuan, Y. Hu* and A. Schmeink, "Timeliness Analysis of CSMA/CA with Truncated HARQ in the Finite Blocklength Regime" IEEE WCNC WS, 21–24 April 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[C86] W. Gao, P. Zheng, Y. Hu*, B. Ai, A. Schmeink, "Performance Enhancement on Federated Learning Supported by RIS-Aided Communication in the FBL Regime", IEEE ICC, 9 - 13 June 2024, Denver, CO, USA
[C85] W. Gao, P. Zheng, Y. Hu*, C. Shen, B. Ai, A. Schmeink, "A Novel Link Adaptation Approach for URLLC: A DRL-based Method with OLLA", IEEE WCNC, 21–24 April 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[C84] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, T. Wang, A. Schmeink, "Analytical Optimal Blocklength Allocation in Multiuser URLLC Networks with Individual Latency Constraints", IEEE WCNC, 21–24 April 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[C83] X. Yuan, B. Li, Yao Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Joint Resource Allocation and Reliability Maximization in NOMA-Assisted Cooperative URLLC Networks", IEEE WCNC, 21–24 April 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
[C82] W. Gao, C. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Hu*, "Joint Resource Allocation and Beamforming Design for Secure Short Packet Communication in RIS-Aided MISO Systems", 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 17-22 March 2024, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
[C81] S. Seyedmasoumian, Y.Zhu, Y. Hu, A. Schmeink,"Fairness-Aware Reliability Maximization of a Novel RSMA Framework for URLLC", IEEE Globecom 2023 WS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023
[C80] X. Yu, Y. Zhu*, Y. Hu*, T. Wang, A. Schmeink,"Blocklength Allocation for Security-Enhanced MEC With Dependency-Aware Tasks", IEEE WCSP, Nov. 2023, Hangzhou, China.
[C79] P. Wu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, J. Zhang, A. Schmeink,"Joint User Assignment and Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Covert Communication with Directional Antenna", IEEE Globecom 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023
[C78] Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink,"Semantic Reliability Maximization: A Cooperative Perspective in Integrated Sensing, Communication and Computation Networks", IEEE Globecom 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023
[C77] Z. Wang, D. Zhuang, Y. Li, J. Zhao, P. Sun, S. Wang, Y. Hu,"ST-GIN: An Uncertainty Quantification Approach in Traffic Data Imputation with Spatio-temporal Graph Attention and Bidirectional Recurrent United Neural Networks", 2023 IEEE ITSC
[C76] Y. Gao, S. Wang, M. Liu and Y. Hu*, "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for UAVs 3D Trajectory Designing and Mobile Ground Users Scheduling with No-Fly Zones", IEEE ICCC, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023
[C75] P. Wu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu* and A. Schmeink,"Trajectory and User Assignment Design for UAV-Assisted Wireless Communications under Rician Fading Channels", IEEE ICCC, Dalian, China, Aug. 2023
[C74] X.Yuan, P. Wu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "'ULA-Based Analog Beamforming and Mode Design for LAP-Assisted Multicasting Communication", IEEE SPAWC 2023.
[C73] B. Li, Y. Hu*, Z. Dong, E. Panayirci, H. Jiang, Q. Wu, "'Energy-Efficient Design for RIS-Aided Cell-Free Ultra Dense HetNets", IEEE ICC WS 2023.
[C72] X. Yuan, B. Li, Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu, A. Schmeink, "Resource Allocation and Cooperation Scheduling for Reliability Maximization in Cluster Head Based Cooperative URLLC Networks", IEEE ICC WS 2023.
[C71] X. Yuan, Y. Huang, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Optimal Trajectory Design for UAV-Assisted Wireless Communication with Discrete Code Rates", IEEE ICC WS 2023.
[C70] Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, R. F. Schaefer, A. Schmeink, "How to Trade Reliability for Security in Machine-type Communications: Leakage-Failure Probability Minimization", IEEE ICC 2023
[C69] Z. Chen, X. Li, Z. Hu, Y. Cao, Y. Hu, H. J. Hadi, "An Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Instant Delivery", IEEE ICC 2023
[C68] P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, M. Bouchaala, Y. Hu*, S. Stanczak, A. Schmeink, "Federated Learning with Integrated Over-the-Air Computation and Sensing in IRS-assisted Networks", WSA 2023
[C67] P. Wu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, H. Chen, A. Schmeink, "Joint Transmit Power and Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Covert Communication", IEEE WCNC 2023, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 6–29 March 2023
[C66] Y. Gao, M. Liu, Z. Mei, Y. Hu*, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based UAV Trajectory Design for Data Collection Scenario with No-Fly Zones", IEEE ICCC 2022, Chengdu, China Dec. 2022.
[C65] X. Yuan, W. Li, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Beamforming Design and Resource Allocation for IRS-Assisted NOMA Cognitive Radio System", IEEE ISWCS 2022, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2022.
[C64] N. Guo, X. Yuan, C. Wang, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Reliability-Oriented Power Allocation for Multi-Source WPT Enabled Short Packet Communications", IEEE ISWCS 2022, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2022.
[C63] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, W. Tong, G. Caire, A. Schmink,"Power Allocation Strategy for Joint Communications and Sensing in NOMA-Assisted Low-Latency Networks", Europen Wireless 2022, accepted
[C62] P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Data-driven Extreme Events Modeling for Vehicle Networks by Personalized Federated Learning", IEEE ISWCS 2022, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2022.
[C61] H. Xu (大四), Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, K. Xiang, A. Schmeink, "Energy Consumption Minimization for NOMA-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE ISWCS 2022,Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2022.
[C60] Z. Xiao, Y. Hu*, C. Shen, B. Ai, A. Schmeink, "Sum Throughput Maximization for MISO-Assisted Multi-User Downlink Transmissions in the FBL Regime", IEEE ISWCS 2022, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2022, invited paper.
[C59] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, X. Wen, M. Petrova, A. Schmink, "Optimal Continuous Trajectory Design for UAV-Assisted Reliable Communication Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", Europen Wireless 2022, accepted
[C58] Z. Bao, Y. Hu*, P. Sun, A. Boukerche, A. Schmeink, "Average Age Upon Decisions of Wireless Networks with Truncated HARQ in the Finite Blocklength Regime", ACM MSWiM 2022, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2022 (CORE Conference Ranking A) , Best paper candidate
[C57] Z. Wang, P. Sun, Y. Hu, A. Boukerche, "A Novel Mixed Method of Machine Learning Based Models in Vehicular Traffic Flow Prediction" ACM MSWiM 2022, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2022 (CORE Conference Ranking A)
[C56] Z. Liu (大三), Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, P. Sun, N. Guo, A. Schmeink,"Joint Time and Power Allocation for NOMA-Assisted Low-Latency Mobile Edge Computing", 2022 34th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 34) - WS, accepted.
[C55] Y. Wu, Z. Zhang, P. Zheng, Y. Hu, A.Schmink,"V2E Association and Resource Allocation via Deep Reinforcement Learning in MEC-based HetVNets, IEEE VTC 2022, accepted.
[C54] Z. Xiao, G. Sun, Y. Hu*, C. Shen, A. Schmeink, "Channel Capacity in the Finite Blocklength Regime for Massive MIMO with Selected Multi-Streams", ICC 2022 WS, accepted
[C53] X. Yuan, G. Sun, Y. Hu*, L. Wu, H. Wang, A. Schmeink, "UAV Trajectory Design on Completion Time Minimization of WPT Task in UAV-Enabled Multi-User Network", ICC 2022 WS, accepted
[C52] Y. Yang, Y. Hu*, M. C. Gursoy, "Energy Efficiency Analysis in RIS-aided MEC Networks with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE WCNC 2022 WS, accepted.
[C51] Y. Zhu, B. Zhu, M. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Liu, Z. Chang, Y. Hu, "Deep Reinforcement Learning based Joint Active and Passive Beamforming Design for RIS-Assisted MISO Systems", IEEE WCNC 2022 WS, accepted.
[C50] X. Zhang, Z, Chang, G. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Hu, "Trajectory Optimization and Resource Allocation for Time Minimization in the UAV-Enabled MEC System",IEEE WCNC 2022 WS, accepted.
[C49] Y. Zhu, M. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Liu, Z. Chang, Y. Hu,"DRL-based Joint Beamforming and BS-RIS-UE Association Design for RIS-Assisted mmWave Networks",IEEE WCNC 2022 WS, accepted.
[C48] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, M. Li, Z.Chang, A. Schmeink,"Optimal Design for UAV-Assisted Energy Constrained Communication: Joint Power Control and Continuous Trajectory Design",IEEE ICC 2022, accepted.
[C47] Z. Bao, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, Y. Dong, A. Schmeink, "Average Age in Coordinate Decision-Making Wireless Systems Operating with FBL Codes", IEEE ComComAP 2021, invited paper
[C46] P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, Z. Zhang, A. Schmeink,"Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Networks with Unreliable Communication", IEEE Globecom Workshops 2021, accepted.
[C45] X. Yuan, Y. Zhu, H. Jiang, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Data Freshness Optimization in Relaying Network Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", GLOBECOM2021, accepted.
[C44] N. Guo (大四), X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. schemeink, "SWIPT-Enabled Multi-User Cooperative Communication with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting" IEEE WSA 2021, invited paper.
[C43] Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, Q. Chen, A. Schmeink,"Error Probability Minimization of Multi-hop Relaying System in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE ISWCS 2021, Accepted
[C42] G. Sun, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, J. Zhang, A. Schmeink, Density Evolution Based Multi-Level Polar Coded Modulation", IEEE ISWCS 2021, Accepted
[C41] X. Yuan, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, D. Li, A. Schmeink,"Relaying-Assisted Multiuser Networks in FBL Regime: Achievable Reliability-Constrained Throughput", IEEE ISWCS 2021, Accepted
[C40] Y. Yang, Y. Hu*, M. C. Gursoy, "Reliability-Optimal Designs in MEC Networks with Finite Blocklength codes and Outdated CSI", IEEE ISWCS 2021, invited paper.
[C39] Q. He, T. Lan, J. Li, X. Yuan, Y. Hu, "A Wireless Relay Assisted LPWAN for Condition Monitoring of Converter Stations" ICSIP 2021, Nanjing, China
[C38] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink,"Joint Design of UAV Trajectory and Directional Antenna Orientation in UAV-Enabled WPT Networks", ICC 2021 Workshop
[C37] G. Sun, S. Paris, Y. Hu*, K. Pedersen,"Iterative Resolution and Optimal Scheduling of Blind Retransmissions for Multi-user URLLC", ICC 2021 Workshop
[C36] X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, J. Gross, A. Schmeink,"Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Relay Networks with Finite Blocklength Codes and Nonlinear Energy Harvesting", IEEE SSP 2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Invited Paper.
[C35]X. Yuan, Y. Hu*, J. Gross, A. Schmeink,"Radio-Map-Based UAV Placement Design for a UAV-Assisted Relaying Network", IEEE SSP 2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Invited Paper.
[C34] Y. Hao, T. Yang, Y. Hu, Bo. Hu, "Performance Analysis for Correlated AoI and Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous CR-IoT System", IEEE INFOCOM 2021 AoI Workshop.
[C33] Y. Zhu, X. Yuan, B. Han, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Average Age-of-Information Minimization in EH-enabled Low-Latency IoT Networks", IEEE ICC 2021.
[C32] T. Yang, O. Taghizadeh, Y. Hu, H. Xu, G. Caire, "Robust Secure UAV Communication Systems with Full-Duplex Jamming" IEEE WCNC 2021
[C31] Y. Yang, Y. Hu, M. Cenk Gursoy, "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Optimization Based Green Mobile Edge Computing,"IEEE CCNC 2021
[C30] Q. He, K. Gartenmeister, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Goodput Maximization in Slotted ALOHA Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop 2020.
[C29] Y. Zhu, T. Yang, Y. Hu*, W. Gao, A. Schmeink, "Optimal-Delay-Guaranteed Energy Efficient Cooperative Offloading in VEC Networks", IEEE GLOBECOM 2020.
[C28] Q. He, P. Zheng, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Multi-Device Low-Latency Internet of Things Networks with Blind Retransmissions in the Finite Blocklength Regime, IEEE PIMRC workshop 2020.
[C27] Q. He, X. Zhai, T. Yang, C. An and Y. Hu, "Optimal Offloading for Interdependent Tasks of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Edge Server aided Low Power Wide-Area Networks," 24th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), Hamburg, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6.
[C26] B. Han, Y. Zhu, Z. Jiang, Y. Hu and H. D. Schotten, "Optimal Blocklength Allocation Towards Reduced Age of Information in Wireless Sensor Networks," 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshop, Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6
[C25] Y. Yuan, T. Yang, Y. Hu, H. Feng and B. Hu, "Matching Based Two-Timescale Resource Allocation for Cooperative D2D Communication," IEEE WCSP, Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 1-6
[C24] Y. Hu*, E. Jorswieck, A. Schmeink, "Full-Duplex Relay in High-Reliability Low-latency Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE ISWCS 2019.
[C23] S. Shao, C. Yu, A. Liu, Y. Hu, B. Li,"Target Direction Finding in HFSWR Sea Clutter Based on FRFT", 8th International Conference in Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, Urumqi, China 2019, pp. 2390-2397
[C22] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, J. Gross, "Energy Minimization of Mobile Edge Computing Networks with Finite Retransmissions in the Finite Blocklength Regime" IEEE SPAWC 2019.
[C21] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, T. Yang, and A. Schmeink, "Reliability-Optimal Offloading in Multi-Server Edge Computing Networks with Transmissions Carried by Finite Blocklength Codes" IEEE ICC 2019 Workshop, Shanghai, China
[C20] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, Z. Chang, and A. Schmeink, "Throughput Maximization of Low-Latency Communication with imperfect CSI in Finite Blocklength Regime," IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
[C19] T. Yang, Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, and R. Mathar, "Energy Minimization of Delay-Constrained Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks," IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
[C18] T. Yang, Y. Hu, X. Yuan and R. Mathar, "Genetic Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer Networks," IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
[C17] Y. Zhu, Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Delay Minimization Offloading for Interdependent Tasks in Energy-Aware Cooperative MEC Networks," IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
[C16] G. Zhang, Y. Hu, Q. He, J. Wang, "Type-II Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes with Girth Eight from Sidon Sequence", IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2018, Guangzhou, China.
[C15] Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink, "Delay-Constrained Communication in Edge Computing Networks," IEEE SPAWC 2018, Kalamata, Greece, Invited Paper.
[C14] T. Yang, Y. Hu, M. C. Gursoy, A. Schmeink, R. Mathar, "Deep Reinforcement Learning based Resource Allocation in Low Latency Edge Computing Networks", IEEE ISWCS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
[C13] Y. Hu*, M. C. Gursoy and A. Schmeink," Optimal Power Allocation for Amplify and Forward Relaying with Finite Blocklength Codes and QoS Constraints," IEEE VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal. invited paper.
[C12] Y. Hu*, M. Ozmen, M. Gursoy and A. Schmeink,"Optimal Power Allocation for QoS-Constrained Downlink Networks with Finite Blocklength codes", IEEE WCNC, 2018
[C11] Y. Hu*, Y. Zhu and A. Schmeink, "Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Relay Networks With Finite Blocklength Codes", 23rd IEEE APCC, Workshop, Perth, Australia, Dec. 2017, invited paper.
[C10] Y. Hu*, M. Gursoy and A. Schmeink, "Efficient Transmission Schemes for Low-Latency Networks: NOMA vs. Relaying", IEEE PIMRC, Qct. 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada. Best Paper.
[C9] Y. Hu*, C. Schnelling, Y. Amraue and A. Schmeink, "Finite Blocklength Performance of a Multi-Relay Network with Best Single Relay Selection", IEEE ISWCS, Aug. 2017, Bologna, Italy. Best Paper.
[C8] F. Du, Y. Hu*, L. Qiu, A. Schmeink, "Finite Blocklength Performance of Multi-Hop Relaying Networks", IEEE ISWCS, Sep. 2016, Poznan, Poland.
[C7] Y. Hu*, A. Schmeink and J. Gross, "Relaying with Finite Blocklength: Challenge vs. Opportunity", IEEE SAM, Special Session, July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Invited paper.
[C6] M. Serror, Y. Hu, C. Dombrowski, K. Wehrle and J. Gross, "Performance of cooperative ARQ with perfect CSI in wireless industrial networks", IEEE WOWMOM 2016, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2016.
[C5] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and A. Schmeink,"Outage Probability of a Multi-Relay Cognitive Network with an Uncertain Number of Forwarding Relays",IEEE ISWCS, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.
[C4] Y. Hu*, J. Gross, A. Schmeink and T. Wang,"Maximizing Energy Efficiency for Multiple DF Relay System with QoS Constraint", IEEE ISWCS, Ilmenau, Germany, Aug. 2013.
[C3] Y. Hu*, J. Gross and Z. Ding, "The Outage Performance of Realtime Transmission in Multiple Asynchronous Relays Enhanced OFDM System", IEEE ICNC, San Diego, USA, Jan. 2012.
[C2] Y. Hu*, J. Gross,"On the Outage Probability and Effective Capacity of Multiple Decode-and-forward Relay System," 2012 IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days, Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 2012.
[C1] Y. Hu and L. Qiu "A Novel Multiple Relay Selection Strategy for LTE-Advanced Relay Systems ." in Proc. of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Budapest, Hungary, May 2011.
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中国通信学会青年工作委员会委员 (第六届)
1. 国际国内学术期刊常务编辑(Editor/Associate Editor):
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
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IEEE ISWCS 2024 "面向绿色6G的高能效通信"分会组织者、分会主席
ICCCN 2023 (CCF C类), 专题主席 (?Track chair for Mobile Applications and Sensing)
IEEE SmartData 2022, 组委会成员 (Workshop and Special Session Chair)
IEEE ISWCS 2018“低功耗、低时延、高可靠的无线网络设计”分会组织者、分会主席
IEEE ISWCS 2021“边缘计算”分会组织者、分会主席
IEEE ISWCS 2022 "面向6G的高可靠低时延通信与应用"分会组织者、分会主席
4. 国际学术会议技术委员会成员:
IEEE International Conference in Communications (IEEE ICC) 2019年起
IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) 2019起
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC) 2018年起
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE ISWCS)2018年起
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC) 2019年
5. 芬兰阿尔托大学(Aalto University)博士论文国际评审专家 2018年起
1. 国际期刊审稿人
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IF= 11.42)
IEEE Communications Magazine (IF= 11.052)
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF= 9.936)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF= 9.112)
IEEE Network (IF= 8.808)
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IEEE Systems Journal (IF=3.987)
ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (IF=3.597)
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory(IF=3.036)
2. 国际会议审稿人
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (IEEE ISIT) 2016年起
IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) 2016年起
IEEE International Conference in Communications (IEEE ICC) 2013年起
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC) 2018年起
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC) 2014年起
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE ISWCS) 2013年起
IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (IEEE SPAWC) 2018年起
PG电子青年教师教学竞赛 一等奖,2024年
二、国际学术会议 获奖论文与邀请论文
最佳论文奖(第一作者、通讯作者) 14th IEEE ISWCS 2017, Bologna, Italy.
最佳论文奖(第一作者、通讯作者) 28th IEEE PIMRC 2017, Montreal, Canada.
最佳论文奖候。ǖ诙作者、通讯作者) 25th ACM MSWiM 2022, Montreal, Canada.
最佳论文奖(第四作者) 8th CSPS 2019, Urumqi, China.
特邀论文 15th IEEE ISWCS 2018, Special Session, Lisbon, Portugal.
特邀论文 87th IEEE VTC 2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal.
特邀论文 19th IEEE SPAWC 2018, Special Session, Kalamata, Greece.
特邀论文15th IEEE ISWCS 2018 Special Session, Lisbon, Portugal.
特邀论文 23rd IEEE APCC 2017, Workshop, Perth, Australia.
特邀论文 9th IEEE SAM 2016 Special Session, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
会议差旅奖励(第一作者、通讯作者)5th IFIP WDs 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
会议差旅奖励(第二作者、通讯作者)IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
入选“Stanford & Elsevier全球2%顶尖科学家排行榜”,2023年
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